Premier Inc.

2019 Engagement Case Study: Governance and sustainability

Premier is in our ‘Health’ them as it provides consulting and supply-chain services to hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the US. The company’s main business is in sourcing medical equipment and supplies for their healthcare clients.

Engagement issue
Governance and sustainability

Engagement Objective
To ensure sustainability initiatives have senior leadership involvement and oversight.

Scope and process
Premier Inc. is held in our Health theme. The company has been a holding in WHEB’s portfolios since 2017. At the 2019 Annual General Meeting we voted against the reappointment of a member of the company’s Governance Committee on the basis that the company does not have a designated member responsible for sustainability across the company.

We wrote to the company setting out the above reasons for voting against the Board Director. The company responded to say that they would be appointing one of their independent Directors to oversee sustainability initiatives at the company.

Outcome: Successful
The company has agreed to appoint one of their independent Directors to oversee sustainability initiatives at the company.